4571 rank

28,255,795 points

12,808 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Humwawa    Titans
Tuulech 7 Humwawa Titans 3,079,680,695 557,281
Humwawa    Free-For-All
Rugnir 488 Humwawa Free-For-All 383,302,047 105,838
Humwawa    Guardians of the
Odhrorvar 2547 Humwawa Guardians of the 71,517,145 32,190
Humwawa    King James
Parkog 1800 Humwawa King James 56,154,459 94,649
Humwawa    ZeroGravitY 💫
Uceria 766 Humwawa ZeroGravitY 💫 48,502,695 77,410
Humwawa    Vesikuura (EST)
Greifental 4286 Humwawa Vesikuura (EST) 30,693,506 17,795
Humwawa    The Uprising
Dinegu 4571 Humwawa The Uprising 28,255,795 12,808
Humwawa    Estland Farms
Arvahall 5914 Humwawa Estland Farms 21,855,371 18,488
Humwawa    S.H.I.E.L.D
Jaims 4948 Humwawa S.H.I.E.L.D 18,237,694 5,725
Humwawa    Alba the Braw
Sinerania 2851 Humwawa Alba the Braw 18,080,547 6,202
Humwawa    lord of the rings
East-Nagach 5344 Humwawa lord of the rings 17,606,914 11,206
Humwawa    Wolf Traders Freedom
Brisgard 5899 Humwawa Wolf Traders Freedom 17,244,393 6,829
Humwawa    Absolute Zero Drama
Noarsil 5455 Humwawa Absolute Zero Drama 12,841,775 3,017
Humwawa    HOAX
Fel Dranghyr 5877 Humwawa HOAX 12,353,271 3,230
Humwawa    White Star
Cirgard 6399 Humwawa White Star 11,539,940 3,986
Humwawa    😁 Just4Fun 😁
Mount Killmore 6557 Humwawa 😁 Just4Fun 😁 8,214,578 3,274
Humwawa    Ursus Syndicate
Langendorn 6059 Humwawa Ursus Syndicate 8,166,613 2,948
Humwawa    EVOLUTION
Korch 6396 Humwawa EVOLUTION 7,973,338 2,979
Humwawa    The Local Academy
Houndsmoor 7467 Humwawa The Local Academy 7,659,666 3,006