6590 rank

9,746,131 points

15,096 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Aleas    Avitohol
Noarsil 1307 Aleas Avitohol 233,365,457 251,000
Aleas    The Fair Traders
East-Nagach 3634 Aleas The Fair Traders 48,864,463 69,717
Fel Dranghyr 4074 Aleas 35,698,547 44,501
Aleas    Avitohol
Arvahall 5895 Aleas Avitohol 22,567,912 39,269
Aleas    Avitohol
Dinegu 6590 Aleas Avitohol 9,746,131 15,096
Aleas    Balkan Reunion
Brisgard 8104 Aleas Balkan Reunion 6,687,197 14,170
Aleas    Avitohol
Cirgard 9081 Aleas Avitohol 3,015,277 11,209