5079 rank

21,007,782 points

18,345 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Cleo the Strong 234    Alliance of Korch
Korch 1498 Cleo the Strong 234 Alliance of Korch 186,165,552 71,360
Cleo the Strong 234    Relax Time
Dinegu 5079 Cleo the Strong 234 Relax Time 21,007,782 18,345
Cleo the Strong 234    Paradise for Snipers
Houndsmoor 10262 Cleo the Strong 234 Paradise for Snipers 1,501,712 303
Cleo the Strong 234    Snipe Me
Uceria 4458 Cleo the Strong 234 Snipe Me 554,183 225