6515 rank

10,043,581 points

6,812 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
George the Ren    Renegades
Arvahall 131 George the Ren Renegades 1,887,377,323 472,702
George the Ren    PEAKY BLINDERS
Cirgard 3769 George the Ren PEAKY BLINDERS 46,882,995 26,002
George the Ren    Dark Warriors
Dinegu 6515 George the Ren Dark Warriors 10,043,581 6,812
George the Ren   
East-Nagach 8024 George the Ren 4,447,925 9,464
George the Ren   
Fel Dranghyr 10485 George the Ren 944,615 222
George the Ren   
Brisgard 13751 George the Ren 479,141 1,135