1304 rank

269,084,308 points

47,091 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sir Duke of York    OK Coral
Dinegu 1304 Sir Duke of York OK Coral 269,084,308 47,091
Sir Duke of York    Lords of Midnight
Korch 2677 Sir Duke of York Lords of Midnight 73,187,311 35,168
Sir Duke of York    Diamond Duke
Brisgard 3852 Sir Duke of York Diamond Duke 49,883,132 24,828
Sir Duke of York   
East-Nagach 12028 Sir Duke of York 529,041 266
Sir Duke of York   
Arvahall 15232 Sir Duke of York 459,906 455
Sir Duke of York   
Cirgard 13479 Sir Duke of York 395,271 417
Sir Duke of York    Balkan summer
Greifental 12313 Sir Duke of York Balkan summer 353,855 187
Sir Duke of York    Diamond Duke 1
Jaims 12956 Sir Duke of York Diamond Duke 1 268,064 102
Sir Duke of York    Outcasts
Fel Dranghyr 18832 Sir Duke of York Outcasts 22,831 41