11115 rank

812,092 points

3,302 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ferdinand the Red 275   
Jaims 604 Ferdinand the Red 275 561,652,518 159,092
Ferdinand the Red 275   
Arvahall 8234 Ferdinand the Red 275 8,537,200 13,950
Ferdinand the Red 275   
Parkog 4693 Ferdinand the Red 275 5,388,163 12,367
Ferdinand the Red 275   
Brisgard 9090 Ferdinand the Red 275 4,043,973 7,353
Ferdinand the Red 275   
Cirgard 9033 Ferdinand the Red 275 3,000,775 6,808
Ferdinand the Red 275   
Dinegu 11115 Ferdinand the Red 275 812,092 3,302
Ferdinand the Red 275   
Fel Dranghyr 11933 Ferdinand the Red 275 467,029 1,835
Ferdinand the Red 275   
East-Nagach 12756 Ferdinand the Red 275 376,215 1,368