16906 rank

62,569 points

19 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
chuckyd    Angels and Demons
Arvahall 17329 chuckyd Angels and Demons 220,554 136
chuckyd    Spartans
Cirgard 16492 chuckyd Spartans 108,495 54
chuckyd    growing strong
Brisgard 18128 chuckyd growing strong 84,929 61
chuckyd    The Knights Valiant
Greifental 16068 chuckyd The Knights Valiant 63,861 8
Dinegu 16906 chuckyd 62,569 19
chuckyd    Fel DrangEliteLeague
Fel Dranghyr 17993 chuckyd Fel DrangEliteLeague 33,880 11
Houndsmoor 19248 chuckyd 33,313 10
East-Nagach 18836 chuckyd 28,601 13