17712 rank

43,674 points

120 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Kitty Valley    🎪Flying Circus🐘🤡
Parkog 196 Kitty Valley 🎪Flying Circus🐘🤡 913,979,865 166,768
Kitty Valley    Amicis
Odhrorvar 1988 Kitty Valley Amicis 112,473,113 30,849
Kitty Valley   
Arvahall 15301 Kitty Valley 446,785 455
Kitty Valley   
Cirgard 14469 Kitty Valley 251,217 191
Kitty Valley    lord of the rings
East-Nagach 14482 Kitty Valley lord of the rings 174,392 80
Kitty Valley   
Brisgard 16479 Kitty Valley 159,092 224
Kitty Valley   
Dinegu 17712 Kitty Valley 43,674 120