6824 rank

8,444,194 points

568 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Ray the Raider    Casual Renewal
Odhrorvar 5375 Ray the Raider Casual Renewal 11,153,993 1,543
Ray the Raider    SPARTAN
East-Nagach 6774 Ray the Raider SPARTAN 8,663,450 585
Ray the Raider    Kin Hell
Dinegu 6824 Ray the Raider Kin Hell 8,444,194 568
Ray the Raider    Island kingdom
Houndsmoor 7288 Ray the Raider Island kingdom 8,317,733 477
Ray the Raider    Canadians
Greifental 6787 Ray the Raider Canadians 7,675,253 605