5086 rank

18,501,721 points

6,836 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Strawclutcher    Diamonds & Farmers
Dinegu 5086 Strawclutcher Diamonds & Farmers 18,501,721 6,836
Strawclutcher    Curiosity
Arvahall 8037 Strawclutcher Curiosity 8,079,256 3,666
Strawclutcher    Casual Renewal
Odhrorvar 5843 Strawclutcher Casual Renewal 7,726,542 3,772
Strawclutcher    The Hateful Eight
East-Nagach 6757 Strawclutcher The Hateful Eight 7,652,173 3,543
Strawclutcher    Friendly Guild
Cirgard 7036 Strawclutcher Friendly Guild 7,644,050 3,488