10006 rank

1,446,800 points

511 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
iveco    Axiom
East-Nagach 9833 iveco Axiom 1,530,825 522
iveco    Welcome
Dinegu 10006 iveco Welcome 1,446,800 511
iveco    Legion of Batiatus
Korch 9465 iveco Legion of Batiatus 1,352,906 471
iveco    Canadian Forces
Brisgard 11417 iveco Canadian Forces 1,252,798 473
iveco    Order of the death
Fel Dranghyr 9918 iveco Order of the death 1,250,701 440
iveco    Blues Brothers
Parkog 6650 iveco Blues Brothers 1,208,346 379
iveco    WTF
Jaims 9732 iveco WTF 1,180,439 450
iveco    THE TEAM WHO WIN!!!
Langendorn 9376 iveco THE TEAM WHO WIN!!! 1,060,332 404
iveco    The Emporer's Guild
Cirgard 11287 iveco The Emporer's Guild 974,296 396
iveco    The Seagulls
Sinerania 7151 iveco The Seagulls 857,484 411
iveco    Steelforge
Mount Killmore 11610 iveco Steelforge 669,978 407
iveco    420 club
Houndsmoor 15306 iveco 420 club 158,164 122
iveco    Nero's Kindom
Greifental 14778 iveco Nero's Kindom 111,996 90