11634 rank

653,853 points

392 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
IgB the Invincible   
Mount Killmore 10431 IgB the Invincible 1,087,015 705
IgB the Invincible    crazy eagles
Brisgard 11751 IgB the Invincible crazy eagles 1,074,497 627
IgB the Invincible    Knights of North Sea
Cirgard 11625 IgB the Invincible Knights of North Sea 841,741 686
IgB the Invincible    Just do what ever
Jaims 10498 IgB the Invincible Just do what ever 830,814 588
IgB the Invincible    Hernes Sons
East-Nagach 11113 IgB the Invincible Hernes Sons 796,334 508
IgB the Invincible    NSM πŸ‘ΈπŸ»
Houndsmoor 11852 IgB the Invincible NSM πŸ‘ΈπŸ» 727,264 531
IgB the Invincible    YNWA
Fel Dranghyr 11048 IgB the Invincible YNWA 699,535 473
IgB the Invincible    Idle Guild
Arvahall 14186 IgB the Invincible Idle Guild 667,315 581
IgB the Invincible    N.I.R.V.A.N.A
Korch 10957 IgB the Invincible N.I.R.V.A.N.A 654,107 560
IgB the Invincible    Fun-N-Glory
Dinegu 11634 IgB the Invincible Fun-N-Glory 653,853 392
IgB the Invincible    numenor
Rugnir 8268 IgB the Invincible numenor 618,198 514
IgB the Invincible    Lazy Frogs
Sinerania 7773 IgB the Invincible Lazy Frogs 601,092 525
IgB the Invincible    everyone's guild
Greifental 11533 IgB the Invincible everyone's guild 525,088 467
IgB the Invincible    Cake or Death
Langendorn 11205 IgB the Invincible Cake or Death 430,393 409
IgB the Invincible    The White Lotus
Parkog 8408 IgB the Invincible The White Lotus 423,332 489
IgB the Invincible    The Templars
Odhrorvar 11505 IgB the Invincible The Templars 362,107 371
IgB the Invincible    ReUnion
Tuulech 5750 IgB the Invincible ReUnion 361,445 261
IgB the Invincible    Peace and Quiet
Noarsil 11927 IgB the Invincible Peace and Quiet 345,310 386
IgB the Invincible    New players welcome
Uceria 5274 IgB the Invincible New players welcome 285,037 301