10447 rank

1,139,527 points

462 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
adele the mighty    Ragamuffins
Odhrorvar 7215 adele the mighty Ragamuffins 3,686,611 1,917
adele the mighty    The Resting Donkeys
Brisgard 10430 adele the mighty The Resting Donkeys 1,892,476 596
adele the mighty    canopic jars
Dinegu 10447 adele the mighty canopic jars 1,139,527 462
adele the mighty    jabberwokies
Noarsil 9511 adele the mighty jabberwokies 1,130,873 421
adele the mighty    Future
Greifental 11689 adele the mighty Future 485,415 269