8736 rank

2,942,196 points

1,548 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Kalliope the Sly 1969    Jcclan
Odhrorvar 7503 Kalliope the Sly 1969 Jcclan 3,263,792 1,404
Kalliope the Sly 1969    Han Solo
Brisgard 9648 Kalliope the Sly 1969 Han Solo 3,026,283 1,686
Kalliope the Sly 1969    Solstice
Dinegu 8736 Kalliope the Sly 1969 Solstice 2,942,196 1,548
Kalliope the Sly 1969    Athena
Tuulech 3408 Kalliope the Sly 1969 Athena 2,868,394 1,288
Kalliope the Sly 1969    Retired Old Timers
Mount Killmore 8762 Kalliope the Sly 1969 Retired Old Timers 2,459,143 1,358
Kalliope the Sly 1969    Rex Regit
Uceria 3149 Kalliope the Sly 1969 Rex Regit 2,249,096 1,037