362 rank

992,034,346 points

213,347 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dinegu 362 Null Zero THE OUTCASTS 992,034,346 213,347
Null Zero    NSA Fun
Fel Dranghyr 2745 Null Zero NSA Fun 87,893,755 32,589
Null Zero    The Council
Langendorn 4694 Null Zero The Council 18,498,001 13,576
Null Zero   
Cirgard 5577 Null Zero 17,813,666 8,882
Null Zero    Herd of Turtles 🐢🐢
Parkog 3163 Null Zero Herd of Turtles 🐢🐢 16,952,118 12,239
Null Zero    Redemption
Arvahall 6536 Null Zero Redemption 16,869,350 9,187
Null Zero    Order of the Black✨
Brisgard 6018 Null Zero Order of the Black✨ 16,796,985 8,102
Null Zero    Fluffy Dragons
Tuulech 1888 Null Zero Fluffy Dragons 14,619,262 7,631
Null Zero    Silverlake
Houndsmoor 6243 Null Zero Silverlake 14,324,055 8,367
Uceria 1753 Null Zero TEAM TARGETS 12,326,053 6,611
Null Zero    Beer Drinkers
Jaims 6232 Null Zero Beer Drinkers 9,240,804 6,594
Null Zero    The Mighty Pythons
East-Nagach 6718 Null Zero The Mighty Pythons 9,136,654 6,116
Null Zero    Free-For-All
Rugnir 4593 Null Zero Free-For-All 7,632,768 4,256
Null Zero    The CL Lion's
Greifental 6987 Null Zero The CL Lion's 6,974,610 4,288
Null Zero    The Guild Edge ⚔️
Noarsil 6619 Null Zero The Guild Edge ⚔️ 6,774,829 4,640
Null Zero    Guardia
Korch 6796 Null Zero Guardia 6,519,163 4,236
Null Zero    Liquid Force
Odhrorvar 6427 Null Zero Liquid Force 6,217,671 4,556
Null Zero    chilled out
Mount Killmore 7122 Null Zero chilled out 6,213,818 4,241
Null Zero    🚤The Blue Ship🚤rec
Sinerania 4499 Null Zero 🚤The Blue Ship🚤rec 5,597,887 4,019