12029 rank

565,614 points

720 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Getafix the old    Mr D Duck
Dinegu 12029 Getafix the old Mr D Duck 565,614 720
Getafix the old    plumbers
Cirgard 13232 Getafix the old plumbers 446,680 533
Getafix the old    Hope
Odhrorvar 12107 Getafix the old Hope 271,837 377
Getafix the old    Mexican Jokers
Tuulech 6442 Getafix the old Mexican Jokers 271,496 352
Getafix the old    Time Bandits
Korch 13019 Getafix the old Time Bandits 254,052 349
Getafix the old    buzz
Parkog 10069 Getafix the old buzz 186,888 267