1936 rank

159,969,750 points

9,654 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Sooz    Diamonds & Farmers
Dinegu 1936 Sooz Diamonds & Farmers 159,969,750 9,654
Sooz    The Magic Monkey
Arvahall 3066 Sooz The Magic Monkey 89,018,806 6,218
Sooz    Casual Player
Cirgard 3637 Sooz Casual Player 50,028,324 4,176
Sooz    Dynamite
Greifental 3761 Sooz Dynamite 42,905,941 4,287
Sooz    Relax & Enjoy
Houndsmoor 4890 Sooz Relax & Enjoy 29,158,686 3,085
Sooz    Friends4Fun
Jaims 4309 Sooz Friends4Fun 26,173,491 3,007
Sooz    Stargate SG1
Korch 4818 Sooz Stargate SG1 18,973,673 2,703
Sooz    lord of the rings
East-Nagach 5326 Sooz lord of the rings 17,738,332 2,839
Sooz    Veterans League
Noarsil 5546 Sooz Veterans League 12,104,562 2,014
Sooz    La Cosa Nostra
Odhrorvar 5307 Sooz La Cosa Nostra 11,620,339 1,526
Sooz    Solstice
Mount Killmore 7135 Sooz Solstice 6,132,384 1,435
Sooz    🪽Preachers Angels🪽
Uceria 2302 Sooz 🪽Preachers Angels🪽 5,956,965 1,182
Sooz    🐶Puppies Playground
Parkog 4677 Sooz 🐶Puppies Playground 5,399,264 1,320
Sooz    StormWolves
Rugnir 5171 Sooz StormWolves 4,837,055 1,228
Sooz    😊 Happy Guild 😊
Langendorn 7024 Sooz 😊 Happy Guild 😊 4,469,233 1,063
Sooz    quietly playing
Sinerania 4891 Sooz quietly playing 4,105,737 1,132