Rank Name Battles Points
Mr James
1 Mr James 448,115 1,825,491,239
2 Thingamabob 308,407 1,324,800,121
Wartface the Handsome
3 Wartface the Handsome 209,249 999,764,513
Bill Gates II
4 Bill Gates II 176,204 478,855,405
Duke Nukrm
5 Duke Nukrm 72,903 342,402,602
Fred the Running warrior
6 Fred the Running warrior 191,284 234,622,404
The Prince of Wales
7 The Prince of Wales 80,302 176,830,828
Ivor Hardy
8 Ivor Hardy 67,598 139,595,944
9 abenjamin 22,683 127,479,502
10 Vina01 77,996 116,672,321
Melina the Impaler 952
11 Melina the Impaler 952 48,432 108,328,588
An Hobad
12 An Hobad 40,895 21,987,897
13 Gardener666 20,505 17,504,248

activity index
