9776 rank

1,437,940 points

1,974 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Arthur the handsome    Do As You Please
Langendorn 6863 Arthur the handsome Do As You Please 4,475,024 2,873
Arthur the handsome    Gone Diamond
Arvahall 11681 Arthur the handsome Gone Diamond 1,617,120 2,235
Arthur the handsome    Diamondies
Cirgard 10222 Arthur the handsome Diamondies 1,481,058 2,007
Arthur the handsome   
East-Nagach 9776 Arthur the handsome 1,437,940 1,974
Arthur the handsome    Slowly but Surely
Brisgard 10953 Arthur the handsome Slowly but Surely 1,413,663 2,173
Arthur the handsome    Chill Zone
Dinegu 10036 Arthur the handsome Chill Zone 1,356,364 2,022
Arthur the handsome    THE NORTHERN
Houndsmoor 10454 Arthur the handsome THE NORTHERN 1,332,498 1,943