126 rank

1,778,548,303 points

512,689 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Malforso    ⚓ The Seven Seas ⚓
East-Nagach 126 Malforso ⚓ The Seven Seas ⚓ 1,778,548,303 512,689
Malforso    Redemption
Arvahall 951 Malforso Redemption 393,305,004 73,976
Malforso    x225
Cirgard 3655 Malforso x225 44,454,671 21,463
Malforso    fragment of a Guild
Brisgard 3961 Malforso fragment of a Guild 43,080,035 25,816
Malforso    jolly hockey sticks
Dinegu 7035 Malforso jolly hockey sticks 7,116,433 7,965
Malforso    x225
Houndsmoor 7525 Malforso x225 6,959,227 7,697
Malforso    x225
Fel Dranghyr 7499 Malforso x225 4,829,678 6,282
Malforso    x225
Mount Killmore 8545 Malforso x225 2,617,785 5,192
Malforso    x225
Rugnir 7388 Malforso x225 967,503 3,496