15525 rank

108,933 points

325 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Bogoleans    The Cat Herders
Dinegu 8462 Bogoleans The Cat Herders 3,415,194 3,695
Bogoleans    picnic
Brisgard 15893 Bogoleans picnic 202,985 408
Bogoleans    Imperium of Mankind
Arvahall 18782 Bogoleans Imperium of Mankind 124,212 500
Bogoleans    Loki's Slaves
Rugnir 11543 Bogoleans Loki's Slaves 114,512 370
Bogoleans    The Dark Templars
East-Nagach 15525 Bogoleans The Dark Templars 108,933 325