14147 rank

208,391 points

250 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
the benster 42    Lucky ones
Mount Killmore 10605 the benster 42 Lucky ones 989,118 674
the benster 42    Roflstompers
Brisgard 12889 the benster 42 Roflstompers 646,388 457
the benster 42    killer warrior's
Langendorn 11957 the benster 42 killer warrior's 304,027 358
the benster 42    It's only boredomâ„¢
Cirgard 14492 the benster 42 It's only boredomâ„¢ 252,200 317
the benster 42    kodok
East-Nagach 14147 the benster 42 kodok 208,391 250
the benster 42    Clan TJ
Greifental 13696 the benster 42 Clan TJ 188,222 192
the benster 42    The exclusive guild
Fel Dranghyr 16308 the benster 42 The exclusive guild 68,030 109
the benster 42    Little Buddhas
Dinegu 18915 the benster 42 Little Buddhas 26,175 78