10205 rank

1,255,312 points

1,027 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Chopper G    Enpire Nation
Arvahall 7865 Chopper G Enpire Nation 9,782,747 2,114
Chopper G    United empires
Cirgard 7424 Chopper G United empires 7,126,488 1,805
Chopper G    Landdownunder
Brisgard 8199 Chopper G Landdownunder 6,208,147 1,746
Chopper G   
Dinegu 9104 Chopper G 2,353,592 1,274
Chopper G    Tuatha Hounds
Houndsmoor 10592 Chopper G Tuatha Hounds 1,273,017 708
Chopper G    The Northerners
East-Nagach 10205 Chopper G The Northerners 1,255,312 1,027
Chopper G   
Fel Dranghyr 10011 Chopper G 1,188,847 847
Chopper G    White Eagle
Langendorn 9565 Chopper G White Eagle 964,115 578
Chopper G    UK Nomads
Greifental 10498 Chopper G UK Nomads 849,638 715
Chopper G   
Mount Killmore 11169 Chopper G 797,996 541
Chopper G    *Black Pepper*
Tuulech 4750 Chopper G *Black Pepper* 741,611 638
Chopper G    world wide
Noarsil 10758 Chopper G world wide 600,460 443
Chopper G    Whiskey outlaws
Jaims 11186 Chopper G Whiskey outlaws 598,716 507
Chopper G    SG Lions
Rugnir 8722 Chopper G SG Lions 487,608 623
Chopper G    NO REMORSE
Sinerania 8330 Chopper G NO REMORSE 448,866 430
Chopper G    aragorn
Korch 11764 Chopper G aragorn 445,293 449
Odhrorvar 11189 Chopper G GUILD OF SOMERSET 418,117 497
Chopper G    Warrior Traders
Parkog 9208 Chopper G Warrior Traders 278,213 343