9663 rank

1,712,935 points

1,182 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Arcadius the Avenger 771    Knightfall
Sinerania 6015 Arcadius the Avenger 771 Knightfall 1,793,222 1,871
Arcadius the Avenger 771   
East-Nagach 9663 Arcadius the Avenger 771 1,712,935 1,182
Arcadius the Avenger 771   
Houndsmoor 11642 Arcadius the Avenger 771 809,779 481
Arcadius the Avenger 771    TRADERS UNION
Rugnir 8463 Arcadius the Avenger 771 TRADERS UNION 594,278 388