15 rank

4,450,808,567 points

1,165,849 battles

Rank Level Great Building Era FP FP Left FP Required
Alcatraz (Progressive Era )   
590 123 Alcatraz Progressive Era 5064 8791 13855
The Arc (The Future )   
43 166 The Arc The Future 0 46819 46819
Castel del Monte (Late Middle Ages )   
2091 105 Castel del Monte Late Middle Ages 0 7492 7492
Cathedral of Aachen (Early Middle Ages )   
2104 105 Cathedral of Aachen Early Middle Ages 0 6422 6422
Statue of Zeus (Bronze Age )   
2124 105 Statue of Zeus Bronze Age 0 5459 5459
Terracotta Army (Virtual Future )   
2289 103 Terracotta Army Virtual Future 0 12327 12327
Cape Canaveral (Postmodern Era )   
3005 101 Cape Canaveral Postmodern Era 0 8533 8533
Seed Vault (Arctic Future )   
4190 100 Seed Vault Arctic Future 0 10501 10501
Arctic Orangery (Arctic Future )   
4201 100 Arctic Orangery Arctic Future 0 10501 10501
Château Frontenac (Progressive Era )   
4782 100 Château Frontenac Progressive Era 0 7852 7852