2932 rank

74,926,874 points

19,012 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Gregory the Sly 595    Aussie Legends Inc
East-Nagach 2932 Gregory the Sly 595 Aussie Legends Inc 74,926,874 19,012
Gregory the Sly 595    Good Times
Sinerania 1705 Gregory the Sly 595 Good Times 48,263,179 14,509
Gregory the Sly 595    Retirement Home
Cirgard 3926 Gregory the Sly 595 Retirement Home 41,406,580 11,862
Gregory the Sly 595    The White Lotus 🌼
Greifental 3972 Gregory the Sly 595 The White Lotus 🌼 37,274,067 10,324
Gregory the Sly 595    Haven't a clue
Rugnir 2780 Gregory the Sly 595 Haven't a clue 27,742,500 9,593