7943 rank

4,562,658 points

11,074 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Alexi the Great    Inglorious Pirates ☠
Arvahall 3413 Alexi the Great Inglorious Pirates ☠ 73,142,845 187,017
Alexi the Great   
Sinerania 2856 Alexi the Great 17,932,446 31,273
Alexi the Great    Diamond Farm
Jaims 6098 Alexi the Great Diamond Farm 9,743,279 10,425
Alexi the Great    Stick ya GvG 🍺
Houndsmoor 7876 Alexi the Great Stick ya GvG 🍺 6,241,914 12,252
Alexi the Great   
East-Nagach 7943 Alexi the Great 4,562,658 11,074