16033 rank

86,070 points

193 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
bobbob1111112333    normanator mayte's Guild
Cirgard 4279 bobbob1111112333 normanator mayte's Guild 34,444,585 6,073
bobbob1111112333    Penfold
Tuulech 2684 bobbob1111112333 Penfold 5,997,302 2,267
bobbob1111112333    🌈The Wizard of OZ🦘
Uceria 2438 bobbob1111112333 🌈The Wizard of OZ🦘 5,059,148 1,731
bobbob1111112333    gruid1
Arvahall 17563 bobbob1111112333 gruid1 200,426 249
bobbob1111112333    Cerberus Pheonix
Brisgard 16471 bobbob1111112333 Cerberus Pheonix 159,384 309
bobbob1111112333    VIET_NAM
Odhrorvar 13250 bobbob1111112333 VIET_NAM 149,700 248
bobbob1111112333    Earth
Greifental 14220 bobbob1111112333 Earth 142,641 219
bobbob1111112333    Renegade
Sinerania 10660 bobbob1111112333 Renegade 131,242 244
bobbob1111112333    Illuminutty
Fel Dranghyr 14748 bobbob1111112333 Illuminutty 127,201 243
Rugnir 11531 bobbob1111112333 114,592 208
bobbob1111112333    pangaok2
Houndsmoor 16382 bobbob1111112333 pangaok2 96,220 172
bobbob1111112333    Democracy
Noarsil 14661 bobbob1111112333 Democracy 91,999 188
bobbob1111112333    drgos
East-Nagach 16033 bobbob1111112333 drgos 86,070 193
bobbob1111112333    Peace for all
Jaims 15351 bobbob1111112333 Peace for all 84,405 165
bobbob1111112333    diamond farmers #8
Parkog 11480 bobbob1111112333 diamond farmers #8 82,581 182
bobbob1111112333    Dragon fire
Mount Killmore 16825 bobbob1111112333 Dragon fire 77,506 208
bobbob1111112333    King of gods
Korch 15419 bobbob1111112333 King of gods 76,577 159
bobbob1111112333    Gnarly Dudes
Dinegu 16344 bobbob1111112333 Gnarly Dudes 74,411 154
bobbob1111112333    The FoodCourt
Langendorn 15094 bobbob1111112333 The FoodCourt 67,013 167