7225 rank

5,716,408 points

7,049 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tudor the Thinker    Delta Force
Mount Killmore 402 Tudor the Thinker Delta Force 568,097,019 137,555
Tudor the Thinker    DELTA FORCE II
Langendorn 824 Tudor the Thinker DELTA FORCE II 278,294,131 109,309
Tudor the Thinker    Casual Guild 3
Fel Dranghyr 4891 Tudor the Thinker Casual Guild 3 17,293,329 8,767
Tudor the Thinker    Ancient Mariners
Jaims 4746 Tudor the Thinker Ancient Mariners 16,085,151 12,343
Tudor the Thinker    Ghost rider
Dinegu 5566 Tudor the Thinker Ghost rider 13,436,656 6,989
Tudor the Thinker    All alone 😘
Arvahall 7560 Tudor the Thinker All alone 😘 8,951,347 8,802
Tudor the Thinker    This One
East-Nagach 7225 Tudor the Thinker This One 5,716,408 7,049