8619 rank

2,647,029 points

2,861 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BobN    The Naked Guns
Mount Killmore 147 BobN The Naked Guns 1,131,894,022 294,211
BobN    Cheers
Arvahall 1566 BobN Cheers 176,269,053 52,060
BobN    Apex Raptors
Odhrorvar 1348 BobN Apex Raptors 148,329,578 126,697
BobN    Holding Pattern
Fel Dranghyr 2542 BobN Holding Pattern 75,209,178 33,614
BobN    Kamikaze Penguins🐧
Uceria 834 BobN Kamikaze Penguins🐧 18,783,878 44,229
BobN    Diamond Miner
Brisgard 5559 BobN Diamond Miner 16,129,489 5,818
BobN    At Rest
East-Nagach 8619 BobN At Rest 2,647,029 2,861
BobN    Diamond Miner
Jaims 8149 BobN Diamond Miner 2,550,173 2,459
BobN    The Wu-Tang Clan
Korch 8247 BobN The Wu-Tang Clan 2,540,460 2,727
BobN    Diamond Miner
Cirgard 9262 BobN Diamond Miner 2,316,244 2,195