10951 rank

867,114 points

860 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
CodyBeartheGreat    The Marauders
Jaims 21 CodyBeartheGreat The Marauders 3,514,188,335 743,121
CodyBeartheGreat    The Inactives
Odhrorvar 8175 CodyBeartheGreat The Inactives 2,110,407 3,992
CodyBeartheGreat    Forge Nation
East-Nagach 10951 CodyBeartheGreat Forge Nation 867,114 860
CodyBeartheGreat    The unloved
Arvahall 15264 CodyBeartheGreat The unloved 454,174 569
CodyBeartheGreat    Forge City
Fel Dranghyr 15240 CodyBeartheGreat Forge City 105,820 63
CodyBeartheGreat    the great dire wolf
Cirgard 16866 CodyBeartheGreat the great dire wolf 90,959 96
CodyBeartheGreat    Nowhere
Rugnir 12718 CodyBeartheGreat Nowhere 62,942 70
Parkog 12488 CodyBeartheGreat 51,482 54