2406 rank

96,859,975 points

15,472 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
BOOBP    bbbp
Arvahall 2442 BOOBP bbbp 113,973,549 17,290
BOOBP    Rams
Brisgard 2490 BOOBP Rams 101,751,954 16,327
BOOBP    The Stonecutters
Houndsmoor 2616 BOOBP The Stonecutters 99,944,560 14,493
BOOBP    Atlantic vikings
Cirgard 2343 BOOBP Atlantic vikings 99,845,770 15,374
BOOBP    Guild Wars
East-Nagach 2406 BOOBP Guild Wars 96,859,975 15,472
BOOBP    scorpions
Dinegu 2625 BOOBP scorpions 88,535,632 14,970
BOOBP    Onwards & Upwards
Noarsil 2328 BOOBP Onwards & Upwards 88,099,366 14,147
BOOBP    The Travellers
Greifental 2559 BOOBP The Travellers 86,499,947 14,070
BOOBP    Guil of Friendship
Mount Killmore 2367 BOOBP Guil of Friendship 83,053,181 13,640
BOOBP    Yaya Queendom
Fel Dranghyr 2731 BOOBP Yaya Queendom 78,119,018 13,913