2303 rank

122,242,174 points

73,538 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Isidore the White 329    Divine Retribution
Dinegu 1054 Isidore the White 329 Divine Retribution 358,812,030 117,692
Isidore the White 329    No Regrets
East-Nagach 2303 Isidore the White 329 No Regrets 122,242,174 73,538
Isidore the White 329    Redemption
Arvahall 5601 Isidore the White 329 Redemption 25,932,348 29,705
Isidore the White 329    The Cuckoos Nest
Sinerania 4378 Isidore the White 329 The Cuckoos Nest 6,079,376 13,167