2849 rank

79,272,992 points

8,337 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
noobu    The Warriors
Houndsmoor 2859 noobu The Warriors 94,665,115 14,628
noobu    Spartan Empire
Dinegu 2860 noobu Spartan Empire 84,973,242 8,525
noobu    Matrix
Brisgard 3040 noobu Matrix 80,106,024 7,514
noobu    Wonderland
Arvahall 3257 noobu Wonderland 79,808,833 7,202
East-Nagach 2849 noobu 79,272,992 8,337
noobu    Balkan summer
Greifental 2805 noobu Balkan summer 78,810,213 7,348
noobu    Shadows of the Wind
Cirgard 2958 noobu Shadows of the Wind 76,515,016 6,724
noobu    Free Bird
Langendorn 2568 noobu Free Bird 72,405,988 7,414
Fel Dranghyr 13989 noobu 180,741 57