6562 rank

9,599,251 points

610 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Rock the Rock    U.A. Lemberg πŸ―πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦
Odhrorvar 5418 Rock the Rock U.A. Lemberg πŸ―πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ 10,828,272 1,446
Rock the Rock    Fisherman
Dinegu 6403 Rock the Rock Fisherman 10,493,132 668
Rock the Rock    The Amazons
East-Nagach 6562 Rock the Rock The Amazons 9,599,251 610
Rock the Rock    Order of Templars
Greifental 6725 Rock the Rock Order of Templars 7,933,638 593
Rock the Rock    The DOA
Houndsmoor 7453 Rock the Rock The DOA 7,705,253 602