12456 rank

446,973 points

1,702 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tess the Unready    |~The Builders~| R
Rugnir 1690 Tess the Unready |~The Builders~| R 57,266,682 59,349
Tess the Unready    Decebalus
Brisgard 3554 Tess the Unready Decebalus 49,299,136 50,649
Tess the Unready    Little Buddhas
Dinegu 12408 Tess the Unready Little Buddhas 484,547 1,737
Tess the Unready    Play as you please!
East-Nagach 12456 Tess the Unready Play as you please! 446,973 1,702
Tess the Unready    |~The Builders~| C
Cirgard 13315 Tess the Unready |~The Builders~| C 435,759 1,731
Tess the Unready    Relax & Enjoy
Houndsmoor 13199 Tess the Unready Relax & Enjoy 430,226 1,653
Tess the Unready    No Demands
Arvahall 15484 Tess the Unready No Demands 428,552 1,779
Tess the Unready    PENDRAGON
Jaims 12489 Tess the Unready PENDRAGON 358,993 1,422
Tess the Unready    TRUTH & HONOUR
Mount Killmore 17898 Tess the Unready TRUTH & HONOUR 58,384 48
Tess the Unready    Royal Flying Corps
Korch 16803 Tess the Unready Royal Flying Corps 50,450 53
Tess the Unready    Super Nice
Odhrorvar 17302 Tess the Unready Super Nice 28,058 49
Tess the Unready    Happy Bunch
Parkog 14409 Tess the Unready Happy Bunch 22,415 51