14928 rank

141,351 points

210 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
LadyEmpath    The crusade
Cirgard 14209 LadyEmpath The crusade 283,641 294
LadyEmpath    Land down under.
Houndsmoor 14102 LadyEmpath Land down under. 267,675 180
LadyEmpath    Expecto Patronum
Fel Dranghyr 13337 LadyEmpath Expecto Patronum 243,784 179
LadyEmpath    NO everday play here
Brisgard 15538 LadyEmpath NO everday play here 230,282 281
Dinegu 14520 LadyEmpath 172,184 257
LadyEmpath    Loners' Limited
Greifental 14070 LadyEmpath Loners' Limited 152,998 180
LadyEmpath    White Eagles
Jaims 14151 LadyEmpath White Eagles 151,499 204
LadyEmpath    Atlantis
East-Nagach 14928 LadyEmpath Atlantis 141,351 210
LadyEmpath    humblebums
Arvahall 18774 LadyEmpath humblebums 123,675 280
Korch 14883 LadyEmpath 98,537 61
Mount Killmore 16310 LadyEmpath 96,600 71
LadyEmpath    Earth Alliance
Noarsil 14771 LadyEmpath Earth Alliance 87,269 49
LadyEmpath    TheBlackHouse
Rugnir 12817 LadyEmpath TheBlackHouse 59,834 26
LadyEmpath    Lords of the Caliss
Langendorn 15983 LadyEmpath Lords of the Caliss 46,657 57
LadyEmpath    As You Please
Odhrorvar 16255 LadyEmpath As You Please 38,207 55