8434 rank

3,434,780 points

485 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
ScotsGuards    Caledonia
Korch 7524 ScotsGuards Caledonia 4,227,883 538
ScotsGuards    The Undivided
East-Nagach 8434 ScotsGuards The Undivided 3,434,780 485
ScotsGuards    XLegion
Mount Killmore 8268 ScotsGuards XLegion 3,187,027 448
ScotsGuards    eagle
Sinerania 8443 ScotsGuards eagle 424,337 117
ScotsGuards    HIGHLANDER
Parkog 9010 ScotsGuards HIGHLANDER 309,620 84
ScotsGuards    Viking Gods
Noarsil 15570 ScotsGuards Viking Gods 59,574 52