3202 rank

65,261,641 points

51,762 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Kribbs    T.I.S.M.
Uceria 27 Kribbs T.I.S.M. 1,148,970,271 389,287
Kribbs    Wild Ubuntu
Tuulech 210 Kribbs Wild Ubuntu 300,994,708 179,659
Kribbs    Friendly Guild
Cirgard 2072 Kribbs Friendly Guild 141,428,491 70,742
East-Nagach 3202 Kribbs 🔱ROGUE PHOENIX🔱 65,261,641 51,762
Kribbs    Outcast Fellowship
Fel Dranghyr 3562 Kribbs Outcast Fellowship 49,685,190 39,100
Kribbs    The Godfather II
Dinegu 4494 Kribbs The Godfather II 30,664,638 22,400
Kribbs    The Godfather II
Arvahall 9507 Kribbs The Godfather II 5,098,685 16,390
Kribbs    The Godfather II
Brisgard 9323 Kribbs The Godfather II 3,702,542 8,338
Kribbs    The Godfather II
Mount Killmore 10111 Kribbs The Godfather II 1,269,924 1,634