12313 rank

467,172 points

543 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Harry21838    Dragon's Lair
Arvahall 13592 Harry21838 Dragon's Lair 835,272 848
Harry21838    EverythingWorks
East-Nagach 12313 Harry21838 EverythingWorks 467,172 543
Houndsmoor 13020 Harry21838 444,025 578
Harry21838    just me for now
Odhrorvar 11540 Harry21838 just me for now 363,662 506
Harry21838    Nipip
Noarsil 12824 Harry21838 Nipip 239,020 352
Harry21838    HOUSE PARTY
Brisgard 16019 Harry21838 HOUSE PARTY 192,568 306
Harry21838    The Holy Knights
Parkog 9977 Harry21838 The Holy Knights 184,773 335
Harry21838    Qwerty
Mount Killmore 15638 Harry21838 Qwerty 129,674 177
Harry21838    Happy Cats
Tuulech 8339 Harry21838 Happy Cats 63,817 141