5045 rank

20,467,949 points

7,524 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Steve the Shaker    🏰HOUSE👑STARK🏰
Noarsil 4501 Steve the Shaker 🏰HOUSE👑STARK🏰 23,393,475 7,985
Steve the Shaker    New World
Uceria 1238 Steve the Shaker New World 22,989,851 8,543
Steve the Shaker    Blacksmiths forge
Arvahall 5881 Steve the Shaker Blacksmiths forge 22,193,811 7,993
Steve the Shaker    Relaxed Warrior's
East-Nagach 5045 Steve the Shaker Relaxed Warrior's 20,467,949 7,524
Steve the Shaker    Lock & Load
Greifental 5209 Steve the Shaker Lock & Load 18,224,647 7,004
Steve the Shaker    REDCAPS
Parkog 3421 Steve the Shaker REDCAPS 13,599,759 5,306
Steve the Shaker    Warriors
Dinegu 6137 Steve the Shaker Warriors 11,862,125 5,607