7551 rank

5,354,293 points

2,050 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
the liberator77    Independent players
Odhrorvar 6496 the liberator77 Independent players 5,547,999 1,543
the liberator77    mens rea
Fel Dranghyr 7289 the liberator77 mens rea 5,396,228 1,331
the liberator77    You are done for
East-Nagach 7551 the liberator77 You are done for 5,354,293 2,050
the liberator77    Ages of Green
Tuulech 3244 the liberator77 Ages of Green 2,349,731 941
the liberator77    Wallopers
Greifental 9200 the liberator77 Wallopers 1,728,066 1,063
the liberator77    Sky Castle 🏰
Uceria 3220 the liberator77 Sky Castle 🏰 1,385,808 705