6467 rank

10,153,818 points

9,670 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Willowgreen    Sisyphus
Houndsmoor 4175 Willowgreen Sisyphus 43,068,437 35,185
Willowgreen    Sisyphus
East-Nagach 6467 Willowgreen Sisyphus 10,153,818 9,670
Willowgreen    |~The Builders~| B
Brisgard 7617 Willowgreen |~The Builders~| B 8,193,262 9,008
Willowgreen    Sisyphus
Jaims 6521 Willowgreen Sisyphus 7,889,048 6,894
Willowgreen    Sisyphus
Tuulech 2754 Willowgreen Sisyphus 5,508,407 4,472
Willowgreen    Sisyphus
Greifental 10209 Willowgreen Sisyphus 988,023 2,177
Rugnir 7581 Willowgreen 920,877 1,340
Willowgreen    The Haven
Mount Killmore 11103 Willowgreen The Haven 819,086 1,249