12495 rank

421,327 points

19 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Dutchess the Furball    Peacekeepers
Jaims 672 Dutchess the Furball Peacekeepers 488,977,639 108,206
Dutchess the Furball    Romanian Dracula
Mount Killmore 11037 Dutchess the Furball Romanian Dracula 847,502 171
Dutchess the Furball    THE LORDS
Dinegu 11949 Dutchess the Furball THE LORDS 573,494 177
Dutchess the Furball    The Cat Herders
Houndsmoor 12511 Dutchess the Furball The Cat Herders 543,499 15
Dutchess the Furball    ~Diablo~
Cirgard 12828 Dutchess the Furball ~Diablo~ 514,905 22
Dutchess the Furball    Diamond Paradise
Arvahall 15150 Dutchess the Furball Diamond Paradise 472,821 31
Dutchess the Furball    Veneti
Brisgard 13763 Dutchess the Furball Veneti 464,521 11
Dutchess the Furball    Log Horizon
East-Nagach 12495 Dutchess the Furball Log Horizon 421,327 19
Dutchess the Furball    Sons of arthritis
Korch 11914 Dutchess the Furball Sons of arthritis 420,052 11
Dutchess the Furball    Loki's Slaves
Rugnir 9137 Dutchess the Furball Loki's Slaves 397,199 11
Dutchess the Furball    LakeLand Hills
Greifental 12105 Dutchess the Furball LakeLand Hills 394,199 26
Dutchess the Furball    Tranquility Base
Noarsil 11851 Dutchess the Furball Tranquility Base 356,714 16
Dutchess the Furball    Nothing to Declare
Odhrorvar 11628 Dutchess the Furball Nothing to Declare 339,118 11
Dutchess the Furball    Scousers
Parkog 8838 Dutchess the Furball Scousers 337,857 21
Dutchess the Furball    SHADOW REALM
Fel Dranghyr 12705 Dutchess the Furball SHADOW REALM 332,166 18
Dutchess the Furball    Diamonds
Langendorn 11749 Dutchess the Furball Diamonds 330,346 8