5790 rank

13,100,767 points

13,306 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Theo the Fartiest    going my own way
Parkog 615 Theo the Fartiest going my own way 243,843,266 55,580
Theo the Fartiest    yabba-dabba-do
Greifental 4861 Theo the Fartiest yabba-dabba-do 20,568,680 14,098
Theo the Fartiest    yabba dabba don't
East-Nagach 5790 Theo the Fartiest yabba dabba don't 13,100,767 13,306
Theo the Fartiest   
Arvahall 13437 Theo the Fartiest 875,256 1,020