Rank Name
1 LionheartMrK
1 LionheartMrK
2 Bianca vdl
2 Bianca vdl
3 ResuRRectioN
3 ResuRRectioN
4 Ezidity
4 Ezidity
5 GFB6
5 GFB6
6 The Angel of Dubai 101
6 The Angel of Dubai 101
7 dekusoukoru
7 dekusoukoru
8 Elektra the Strong 1527
8 Elektra the Strong 1527
9 Pompeia the Bloody 1654
9 Pompeia the Bloody 1654
10 julie jenks
10 julie jenks
11 Frober262
11 Frober262
12 Frentio
12 Frentio
13 SkyOne
13 SkyOne
14 Justina the Warrior 1327
14 Justina the Warrior 1327
15 kingjamesXIX
15 kingjamesXIX
16 EnchantedMorgana
16 EnchantedMorgana
17 Hiawather55
17 Hiawather55
18 Scruffle
18 Scruffle
19 csj333
19 csj333
20 Socrates the Spider 1031
20 Socrates the Spider 1031
21 Jim Ninja Badger
21 Jim Ninja Badger
22 richgds
22 richgds
23 Greybeard Goutfoot
23 Greybeard Goutfoot
24 justme63
24 justme63
25 wags320
25 wags320
26 tcfurniss1607
26 tcfurniss1607
27 Howlet
27 Howlet
28 Paul10
28 Paul10
29 Kevin1965
29 Kevin1965
30 Old1226
30 Old1226
31 Tek Noloji
31 Tek Noloji
32 SilentRon1n
32 SilentRon1n
33 Section39
33 Section39
34 Fulvia the Prophet 1034
34 Fulvia the Prophet 1034
37 GoodBoySky
37 GoodBoySky
38 johnpick
38 johnpick
39 Theodosius the Lion 3127
39 Theodosius the Lion 3127
40 Casticus the Great 1267
40 Casticus the Great 1267
41 Emperor Lewis
41 Emperor Lewis
42 Ordog2024
42 Ordog2024
43 danothegreat19870809
43 danothegreat19870809
44 Belinus the Fair 930
44 Belinus the Fair 930
45 Darkmeno324
45 Darkmeno324
46 Archelaos the Hawk 1873
46 Archelaos the Hawk 1873
47 dawkinsville
47 dawkinsville
48 Genai Khan
48 Genai Khan

activity index

- Inactive player.
- Only produced resources - farmer.
- At least one battle - fighter.

The activity index is calculated as the total number of all days for each player in the guild.