7368 rank

5,508,173 points

14,093 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Tacitus the Avenger 452    Amber
Fel Dranghyr 7368 Tacitus the Avenger 452 Amber 5,508,173 14,093
Tacitus the Avenger 452    Camelot
Greifental 12134 Tacitus the Avenger 452 Camelot 386,560 1,348
Tacitus the Avenger 452   
Arvahall 16249 Tacitus the Avenger 452 320,803 1,555
Tacitus the Avenger 452    Fables are True
Mount Killmore 14230 Tacitus the Avenger 452 Fables are True 231,991 999