2883 rank

79,368,945 points

16,286 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
tonycoffey    Dutchmen
Fel Dranghyr 2883 tonycoffey Dutchmen 79,368,945 16,286
tonycoffey    Dutchmen
East-Nagach 6884 tonycoffey Dutchmen 8,311,731 1,455
tonycoffey    The Dutchmen
Arvahall 9323 tonycoffey The Dutchmen 5,563,216 2,176
tonycoffey    The Dutchmen
Brisgard 9028 tonycoffey The Dutchmen 4,232,925 281
tonycoffey    Dutchmen
Dinegu 8454 tonycoffey Dutchmen 3,475,469 145
tonycoffey    Dutchmen
Greifental 8373 tonycoffey Dutchmen 2,932,268 78
tonycoffey    The Dutchmen
Houndsmoor 9378 tonycoffey The Dutchmen 2,510,432 136
tonycoffey    Dutchmen
Cirgard 9852 tonycoffey Dutchmen 1,950,636 115
tonycoffey    Dutchmen
Jaims 9451 tonycoffey Dutchmen 1,379,745 99
tonycoffey    Dutchmen
Korch 9985 tonycoffey Dutchmen 1,061,210 21
tonycoffey    Dutchmen
Langendorn 11003 tonycoffey Dutchmen 481,115 11
tonycoffey    Dutchmen
Noarsil 11382 tonycoffey Dutchmen 457,139 36
tonycoffey    Dutchmen
Odhrorvar 11218 tonycoffey Dutchmen 425,263 26
tonycoffey    Dutchmen
Mount Killmore 12863 tonycoffey Dutchmen 412,380 29