17601 rank

40,257 points

40 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
adam of the wold    westland
Arvahall 11943 adam of the wold westland 1,551,874 801
adam of the wold   
Greifental 14650 adam of the wold 124,141 102
adam of the wold   
Brisgard 18355 adam of the wold 78,102 311
adam of the wold   
East-Nagach 16558 adam of the wold 73,519 270
adam of the wold   
Rugnir 12654 adam of the wold 65,552 39
adam of the wold   
Houndsmoor 17631 adam of the wold 63,837 49
adam of the wold   
Dinegu 17061 adam of the wold 60,882 163
adam of the wold   
Fel Dranghyr 17601 adam of the wold 40,257 40
adam of the wold   
Cirgard 19844 adam of the wold 29,033 73