5260 rank

17,547,867 points

24,815 battles

Server Rank Name Guild Points Battles
Greg the Puffy Dragon   
Parkog 1463 Greg the Puffy Dragon 84,078,045 74,544
Greg the Puffy Dragon    The Grey Havens
Mount Killmore 4942 Greg the Puffy Dragon The Grey Havens 19,157,884 19,208
Greg the Puffy Dragon   
Fel Dranghyr 5260 Greg the Puffy Dragon 17,547,867 24,815
Greg the Puffy Dragon    The Grey Havens
East-Nagach 5745 Greg the Puffy Dragon The Grey Havens 14,936,623 25,707
Greg the Puffy Dragon   
Houndsmoor 16839 Greg the Puffy Dragon 83,067 225
Greg the Puffy Dragon   
Tuulech 10218 Greg the Puffy Dragon 33,628 122